Resume Biography Philosophy Standards Artifacts Web-based project


Unit Plan

"Colonial America"

American History - Required Class, Sophomores and Juniors in High School

Unit Rationale Statement:

The "Colonial America" unit will emphasize different beliefs, ideas and actions from various perspectives responsible for the American Revolution. The affect of the banishment of Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson will be addressed. The results and future implications of the French and Indian War will also be discussed. In addition, the unit will focus on the numerous oppressive laws imposed on the colonists, from the Proclamation of 1763 to the Intolerable Acts. Furthermore, the analysis and portrayal of events such as the Boston Massacre, and the Boston Tea Party, encourage students to understand and empathize the colonists plight which eventually lead to Revolution.  This unit will allow the students to interpret and demonstrate the trials and tribulations the colonists encountered before the revolution. In addition, the students will be given an opportunity to explain their understanding of the important ideas and elements about Colonial America by creating an illustrated quilt for their culminating project

Unit Objectives
Students will experience and evaluate what life was like in colonial times.
Students will realize the effect of the banishment of Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson.
Students will analyze the effects and outcomes of the French and Indian War.
Students will develop an understanding and feeling of empathy for different perspectives and reactions due to the passage of various oppressive acts, ranging from the Proclamation of 1763 to the Intolerable Acts.
Students will describe and discuss critically the colonial rules and acts imposed on colonists
Students will recognize and appreciate the incredible lengths and dangers colonists experienced to find freedom.
Students will interpret and demonstrate sensitivity to the attitudes, beliefs, and actions of the colonists’ reactions to the Boston Massacre and provocation of the Boston Tea Party.
Students will design an illustrated quilt for the culminating project demonstrating their understanding of the unit on Colonial America.
Unit Outline

I. The 13 original colonies
        A.  Life in colonial times
                1. colonial music
                2. colonial food
                3. colonial games
                4. colonial hats
                5. colonial pictures
        B. Religious Freedom – Question of Tolerance
                1. Roger Williams
                2. Anne Hutchinson
        C. French and Indian War
                1. Britain wants America to pay taxes
II. Leading to Revolution
        A.  Oppressive Acts
                1. Proclamation of 1763
                2. Navigation Act, Commodities Act, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Act
                3.Boston Massacre
        B.  Protests
                1. Daughters of Liberty
                2. Boston Tea Party

Unit Planning Calendar

Day 1 – Unit Openers
Overview, experiential activity representing colonial life, introduce culminating project
Day 2 – Religious Freedom
Role play modern day dilemma focusing on difference, tolerance, and compromise
Discussion comparing and contrasting modern day dilemma and colonial dilemma of Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams.
Day 3 – French and Indian War
Writing for Understanding
Newscasts representing the British and American perspectives on the war and its outcomes.
Day 4 – Proclamation of 1763
Response group activity where students assume roles of different historical groups(Loyalists, Patriots, Parliament, Native Americans) then analyze and comment on different aspects of the Proclamation of 1763.
Day 5 – Stamp Act
"No taxation without representation"
Role-playing simulation representing modern day "no taxation without representation"
Day 6 – Daughters of Liberty
Analyze and interpret Daughters of Liberty protest songs
Create protest lyrics to modern day song
Present songs via "Showtime at the Apollo."
Day 7 – Boston Massacre and Boston Tea Party
Interactive Slide Lecture on above topics
Student act-it-out dramatizations and teacher interviews
Day 8 – Intolerable Acts
Skill Builder
Political Continuum – students place identity placards on the spectrum between Rebellion and Loyalty.
Day 9 – Colonial Rules
Cooperative groupwork - compare and contrast modern day rules with colonial rules.
Day 10 – Final Unit Assessment

Culminating project


Bower, Lobdell, and Swenson, History Alive!, Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1999.

Fischer, Max W., American History Simulations, Huntington Beach, CA, Teacher Created Materials, Inc., 1993.

Forte, Imogene, and Schurr, Sandra, Integrating Instruction in Social Studies, Nashville, Tennessee, Incentive Publications, 1996.

Internet – http://